Non-ProfitAddiction CentersHuman ServicesHuman Services
Driving Directions:
From downtown Modesto, drive east on Yosemite Blvd for 4-5 minutes and you'll see the Modesto Gospel Mission on the right side.
Since 1948, the Modesto Gospel Mission has provided nutritious meals, warm beds, and a place of safety to thousands of poor and homeless men, women, and children.
Through various services, we are able to help someone go from homeless to home. We touch lives with the love of Jesus and offer hope where there is often despair. We minister to the whole person – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We do this by providing shelter, clothing, meals, Bible studies, life skills classes, GED and adult high school classes, employment assistance, addiction recovery, medical assistance, and more. Modesto Gospel Mission receives no Government funding and depends completely on the gifts of God’s people – individuals, churches, groups, foundations, and businesses that care about the poor and homeless in Stanislaus county.